Discover Stories

That Speak To You

Explore our growing library of professionally narrated screenplays, ready to inspire, entertain, and connect creators with the industry.


Ready to Spotlight Your Screenplay? Here's Your Chance to Shine!

Ready to Spotlight Your Screenplay? Here's Your Chance to Shine!

How to Become Featured on Our Website

Becoming featured on Screen Hatch is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work to industry professionals, producers, and fellow creatives. Here’s how you can make it happen:

  1. Submit Your Screenplay

    • Upload your screenplay through our submission form and select a professional actor to transform your script into a narrated audioplay.

  2. Ensure Quality and Originality

    • We prioritize high-quality, original screenplays with compelling stories. Make sure your script is polished and properly copyrighted before submission.

  3. Engage and Share

    • Promote your audioplay to maximize listens and engagement. Scripts with high listenership and positive feedback are more likely to be featured.

  4. Be Part of the Community

    • Joining the members-only section, “The Hatch”, unlocks exclusive benefits like increased visibility, access to events, and opportunities to engage with the Screen Hatch community.

  5. Selection Process

    • Our team regularly reviews submissions to select standout stories for our Featured Audioplays section. If chosen and you agree, we’ll promote your work across our site and social media channels.

Explore the Library

Curious To Dive Into Our Audioplay Library?

Discover compelling stories and connect with industry professionals in The Hatch, our exclusive members-only section. Start exploring today!